An easy way to think outside the box.

Simplicity of HTML and CSS combined with hardware interactions.

no coding

No advanced coding

Create your app using only basic knowledge about HTML, CSS and Arduino. Instead of learning advanced coding focus on overall experience and quickly develop results.


Fast results with CSS

Using CSS allows you to work on layout and interfacing with device at once. Involt comes with UI kit to help you get started.


Easy prototyping

Desktop or mobile? Wireless? There is no need to rebuild project from scratch. With Involt everything is simple.

Prototyping without barriers

The foundations of Involt is overcoming obstacles that blocks many concepts from making it to the real world. There are many prototyping tools for software and hardware but none covers both. With its fresh approach, inject tangible interactions into your app like never before.

How does it work?

Involt translates CSS classes into functions. You only need to specify UI element, target pin and variables like desired values or their range.

This example code creates simple button that turns on LED.

<div class="ard button P5 value-255"> Click me </div>

For more advanced project you can use JavaScript and JQuery. You can do the same thing with Involt JQuery methods:

Read the getting started or reference page.

CSS framework with built-in hardware interactions for desktop and mobile.
