Wireless prototyping is crucial for project mobility. Involt uses Bluetooth 2.0 communication and it works without making changes in code! It was tested with HC-05, HC-06 and XM-15B. All of them are cheap and easy to setup. This chapter will not describe how to connect HC-05 or how to launch AT mode. There are many tutorials on the internet.
Remember to not use software serial - just connect to RX/TX pins (RX -> TX, TX -> RX). Arduino Leonardo/Micro requires change from Serial to Serial1 while using hardware serial pins.
Configuring the device (HC-05)
Enter the AT mode and write:
AT+UART=57600,0,0 to change speed.
AT+ROLE=0 to set as slave device.
There are many settings but I don't recommend to change them. Maybe change name to INVOLT with AT+NAME=INVOLT
To get the device address you can use AT+ADDR or check app console (after changing to BT mode).
Configuring Involt
In your system turn On bluetooth adapter and pair the device with default 1234 password (for hc-05). The device must be paired before launching the app.
Change the isBluetooth variable to true and isSerial to false in settings.js.